Infinitismo Gallery

Terms and Conditions

1. Acceptance of Terms

Welcome to Infinitismo Gallery. Your use of Infinitismo Gallery’s website, its content, and services is governed by the following Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions"). We advise you to read these terms carefully before using this website.

In using this website you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions. The language in this webpage "Terms and Conditions" shall be interpreted as the language in any consequent/separately provided publication or document offered by Infinitismo Gallery.

2. Warranties

Infinitismo Gallery makes no warranties of any kind and assumes no liability for any claims and/or controversies arising out of, or related to, the accuracy, reliability, and completeness of the information on this Website. Information is presented on an "as is" basis ONLY.

Although the information and data are obtained from reliable sources, performance is not guaranteed. Use of this information or data for any reason is at the user's own risk.

3. Service Access and Use

Infinitismo Gallery gives you a personal, worldwide, revocable, non-assignable, and non-exclusive license to access and use the Services as outlined in these terms.

All text, video, iconography, photographs, and other content on the site is copyrighted material and protected by law. You agree to abide by all copyright notices, information, or restrictions presented in any content accessed through the services.

4. User Conduct

You shall agree to use the website strictly for lawful intent only. You agree not to take any action that might hamper the website and the services Infinitismo Gallery provides.

5. Modification of Terms

Infinitismo Gallery reserves the right to alter or revise these Terms and Conditions at any time. The revisions shall be effective when posted. It is the responsibility of the user to review any such changes or updates.

6. Intellectual Property

The content, brand, sources, and prices displayed on our site are owned by Infinitismo Gallery and are protected by intellectual property laws. You are only authorized to use this website solely for informational and non-commercial personal purposes.

7. Privacy

Any information that you provide to Infinitismo Gallery is subject to our Privacy Policy, which contains the managerial process of your information. Review our Privacy Policy for more information on how we collect and use data.

8. Links to Other Sites

Our website may contain links to other independent third-party websites or services ("Linked Websites"). The linked websites are not under the control of Infinitismo Gallery, so we are not liable for the content, offers or privacy practices, or other links contained in the linked websites.

9. Exclusions and Limitation of Liability

All users assume responsibility and risk for the use of this website and the internet generally. Neither Infinitismo Gallery nor any of its associates shall be individually liable in contract, tort, or negligence for losses incidental to using this website.

Infinitismo Gallery strives for secure, regularized access however does not warrant that access will always be available or uninterrupted. Infinitismo Gallery disclaims liability for interruptions of services due to maintainability practices or connection failure.

10. Severability

If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is declared void by any lawful authority, this shall not affect the inherent compliance of any user to adhere to remaining provisions still in enactment.

11. Governing Law

These Term and Conditions are governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws and the courts shall have exclusive jurisdictional authority other than where forbade by global jurisdictional laws.

Last Updated

These terms were last updated on 30 Apr, 2022.

Thank you for your interest in Infinitismo Gallery, we hope you enjoy your visit!

Hereafter in punitive issues regarding non-compliance to these terms, translators and readers are forbidden from disputing the validity of or questioning these Terms and Conditions or the Policies. They should be kept in-score concerning these terms defining their section involvement interests when using services provided on our website.

If you have any questions about these Terms, please Contact Us.